Duke Davidson
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $24,244 USD 640 $38 USD
We are a Canada-based small business with a specialty in creating innovative and quality products for the gaming and fandom communities. For nearly 10 years we have operated Chinook Crafts, a successful online and trade-show storefront, and we are thrilled to begin a new wave of projects involving our passion for tabletop gaming with MYRIAD Tabletop Innovations.
Bag of Tricks (revisited) by MYRIAD
Bag of Tricks (revisited) by MYRIAD
A project in Calgary, Canada by Duke Davidson 1 created

A classic D&D magic item re-imagined as an innovative and immersive tabletop player experience; featuring original artwork and more!

Duration: 2020/08/27 - 2020/09/27 (30 days)

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