Emily Reinhart
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2018 1 $47,110 USD 842 $56 USD
I'm part owner of Third Act Publishing, an aspiring game designer, and the Social Media Manager for Smirk & Dagger. I have been in love with the magical girl genre since I first saw Sailor Moon on Fox Kinds in the 90's. For the last 2 years I have been working on my very first RPG, Domina Magica, and I'm so excited to finally make it happen. In addition to my gaming background, I'm a professional belly dancer a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Shaolin-do Kung Fu, fluent in ASL, and 65% Mermaid despite being in a landlocked state. While trying to cram all of this into my schedule, I still find time to fight for love and justice on the weekends!
Domina Magica - A Magical Girl RPG
Domina Magica - A Magical Girl RPG
A project in Cincinnati, OH by Emily Reinhart 1 created

Welcome to Domina Magica, the RPG about becoming a Magical Girl and fighting the forces of evil!

Duration: 2018/08/07 - 2018/09/07 (30 days)

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