Erik Bernhardt
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2020 3 $78,221 USD 2,648 $30 USD
San Jenaro Co-Op team member. I've been making my own games ever since I was 12 years old cuz I couldn't afford DnD manuals.
Brinkwood: The Blood of Tyrants
Brinkwood: The Blood of Tyrants
A project in Richmond, CA by Erik Bernhardt 3 created

A castlepunk Forged in the Dark roleplaying game. Mask up. Spill Blood. Drink the Rich.

Duration: 2020/09/15 - 2020/10/17 (31 days)

Crown of Tines
Crown of Tines
A project in Richmond, CA by Erik Bernhardt 3 created
TabletopCard Game

Who shall wear the crown of tines? A historical recreation of a card game of deception, skill, and cunning from 17th century France.

Duration: 2015/09/16 - 2015/10/17 (30 days)

Crone: A Tabletop Roleplaying Card Game
Crone: A Tabletop Roleplaying Card Game
A project in Richmond, CA by Erik Bernhardt 3 created
RPGCard Game

You are a Crone, a wizened old witch of great power and fearsome reputation. Your magic will shake the very foundations of the earth.

Duration: 2014/03/14 - 2014/04/14 (30 days)

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