Etemenanki RPG
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $35,152 USD 298 $118 USD
ETEMENANKI is an original Technofantasy RPG. Through the Tower of Babylon, the Wayfarers come from all over the Cronoverso, bringing their knowledge and faiths ... You too shall cross the Gates of the Immortal.
Etemenanki, Technofantasy Role Playing Game
Etemenanki, Technofantasy Role Playing Game
A project in Parma, Italy by Etemenanki RPG 1 created

Un Gioco di Ruolo di sopravvivenza in un cruento mondo al centro del Cronoverso, che ghermisce da ogni tempo creature, luoghi e dèi.

Duration: 2020/11/01 - 2020/11/22 (20 days)

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