Factions: Battlegrounds
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $25,258 USD 377 $67 USD
I am Jason, one of the Co-Creators of Factions: Battlegrounds. My best friend and I are pursuing our dream of developing a fantasy game that emphasizes culture and diversity. The game is based on sketches we did as kids in 5th grade, and has grown into a passion. Our goal with Factions: Battlegrounds is to open to gate to tabletop gaming through representation within our team and within our game.
Factions: Battlegrounds
Factions: Battlegrounds
A project in Milwaukee, WI by Factions: Battlegrounds 1 created

A multiplayer fantasy combat boardgame representing diverse cultures & mythologies. No decks, no luck, just choices. Choose wisely.

Duration: 2020/11/09 - 2020/12/10 (30 days)

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