Faye Morel
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2023 - 2023 1 $4,360 USD 318 $14 USD
Faye is a passionate writer and fantasy enthusiast. For years, she has been creating and designing her own unique worlds for table top role-playing games. She has been a dedicated player and storyteller within the TTRPG community, and is excited to bring her love of fantasy and world-building to others who share her passion.
Path of the Immortal: A Guide to Ascension
Path of the Immortal: A Guide to Ascension
A project in Kansas City, MO by Faye Morel 1 created

A system-agnostic pocketbook manual to becoming a god or falling into lichdom.

Duration: 2023/02/04 - 2023/02/20 (15 days)

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