Forgotten Chapters
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $34,682 USD 1,181 $29 USD
I started building model planes when I was 6, my uncle offered me a Revell UH-1H Huey Gunship at 1:32nd scale and I was hooked on plastic since. Some years ago I came into contact with Warhammer and well, things got out of hand and now I have 3 armies.
Forgotten Chapters - Purity Seals and Parchment Transfers
Forgotten Chapters - Purity Seals and Parchment Transfers
A project in Utrecht, Netherlands by Forgotten Chapters 1 created

Unique waterslide transfers depicting parchments and scripts for tabletop miniatures

Duration: 2020/03/14 - 2020/04/14 (30 days)

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