Fourtato Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $12,985 USD 511 $25 USD
Fourtato Games is a Vancouver-based board game startup founded by 4 friends who share a passion for board game design. Motivated by creativity and interested in board game design philosophies, Fourtato looks to not only publish board games that will reach your tabletops, but to also provide insight regarding board game design to aspiring and experienced board game designers.
Chicken Heist
Chicken Heist
A project in Vancouver, Canada by Fourtato Games 1 created
TabletopCard GameAnimalsCardsHand ManagementPlayer Elimination

Chicken Heist is a push-your-luck card game for 3-8 players. A dynamic game where danger awaits you in every turn!

Duration: 2019/07/22 - 2019/08/22 (30 days)

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