Fran Fernández
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $740 USD 35 $21 USD
Hello everyone and welcome to my profile! I am a generalist 3D designer.As a hobby I do digital sculpture and characters for video games. I hope you like the project that I am going to present on Kickstarter as much as I do. If you have any special request or recommendation don't hestitate to contact me via Instagram. Thank you for visiting me! ;)
22 WarGames heads v1
22 WarGames heads v1
A project in Almeria, Spain by Fran Fernández 1 created

Heads for your wargames, tabletop, kitbash or for your personal collection. Realistic and detailed 3d models.

Duration: 2021/12/28 - 2022/01/28 (30 days)

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