Frank Xiao
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $2,012 USD 77 $26 USD
We are Frank, Jenny, and Nathan -- a pair of siblings and all childhood friends. Our favorite past time growing up was storytelling where we would take turns in narrating our journey to tame dragons and save the world from destruction. We eventually moved away from these imaginary adventures and started playing board games. We always said we wanted to try working on a game together and Tavern Tails is just that! We hope you enjoy the game as much as we enjoyed working on it :)
Tavern Tails Carrots On Tap
Tavern Tails Carrots On Tap
A project in San Francisco, CA by Frank Xiao 1 created
TabletopCard GameCards

A 2-4 player card game featuring bunnies with questionable intentions.

Duration: 2019/01/26 - 2019/02/26 (30 days)

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