Game to Grow
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $244,162 USD 3,157 $77 USD
Game to Grow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2017 on the belief that games of all kinds have the power to improve people’s lives. Game to Grow’s weekly therapeutic social skills groups help young people become more confident, creative, and socially capable using tabletop games, most notably Dungeons and Dragons. The founders and lead facilitators Adam Davis and Adam Johns use their years of experience in couple and family therapy, drama therapy, and education to promote social growth among youth in a fun, safe environment.
Critical Core
Critical Core
A project in Seattle, WA by Game to Grow 1 created

The tabletop game that helps kids on the autism spectrum build confidence and social skills, one dragon at a time.

Duration: 2019/03/19 - 2019/04/26 (37 days)

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