Games Operators
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $45,548 USD 1,050 $43 USD
We are a games publishing group - we started with 911 Operator, and now we have over 15 projects in our portfolio - including Rustler, Radio Commander, Countryballs Heroes, Aquarium Designer, and 112 Operator - the sequel to 911 Operator.
911 Operator Board Game
911 Operator Board Game
A project in Warsaw, Poland by Games Operators 1 created
TabletopVideo Game Theme

Locate incidents, dispatch your units effectively and save your city in a semi-coop board game from the creators of "911&112 Operator"!

Duration: 2022/10/04 - 2022/11/04 (30 days)

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