Greg Saunders
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2019 4 $33,980 USD 1,441 $24 USD
I'm a long-term roleplayer and board gamer, and have written and published several games as Fire Ruby Designs - notably Summerland, Exilium, and Esoterica. I've also written for the A-State and Dying Earth RPGs.
Golgotha Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Golgotha Tabletop Roleplaying Game
A project in Shropshire, UK by Greg Saunders 4 created

A roleplaying game of exploration and discovery at the edge of human space, made using The Black Hack.

Duration: 2019/05/19 - 2019/06/04 (15 days)

Secretum Mundi - The book of the Secret World
Secretum Mundi - The book of the Secret World
A project in Shropshire, UK by Greg Saunders 4 created

A book of plot hooks and encyclopedic entries for Esoterica or other modern occult roleplaying games, and you can add your own content!

Duration: 2018/12/29 - 2019/01/29 (30 days)

Esoterica Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Esoterica Tabletop Roleplaying Game
A project in Shropshire, UK by Greg Saunders 4 created

A tabletop roleplaying game ofoccult mystery and the quest for power

Duration: 2018/07/12 - 2018/08/12 (30 days)

Summerland Tabletop RPG Second Edition
Summerland Tabletop RPG Second Edition
A project in Shropshire, UK by Greg Saunders 4 created

A new full-colour second edition of the table top role-playing game of desolation and redemption beneath the Sea of Leaves

Duration: 2018/02/18 - 2018/03/24 (33 days)

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