Grey Fox Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2023 21 $3,438,768 USD 49,783 $69 USD
Long before we made games, we played them. I have personally enjoyed playing games for as long as I can remember. From board games to video games to pretty much anything that involved the word "play", I have always been attracted to gaming. I still remember the day I decided I hated dice rolling games (it involved an "impossible" loss in Castle Risk that haunts me to this day). Being a gamer and enjoying this hobby is what drove me to this business. I've always believed in doing what you love and I can't think of anything I'd rather do than work in this industry. As for why Grey Fox Games needs to run a KS. The answer to that is simple. While we have the funds to design a game (art graphics, play testing, etc), the money to actually manufacture and distribute is another story. Making a game is a very lengthy and costly process and without Kickstarter, we would simply be unable to launch many of our ventures. My commitment is to never publish a game that I myself would not want to play (I've sort of come to terms with that Castle Risk loss after 30 years, so dice may very well show up in our titles). I truly feel that we have something to offer and we hope that after you've played our games, you'll feel the same way. -Shane
Conquest of Speros
Conquest of Speros
A project in Orlando, FL by Grey Fox Games 21 created
TabletopFantasyHand ManagementSet Collection

Conquest of Speros is a fun and fast card game where you take control of an army trying to secure land and resources for your race.

Duration: 2014/04/06 - 2014/05/01 (24 days)

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