Hailey Winkleman
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $0 USD 0 $0 USD
Hello! I'm attending Southern lllinois University Carbondale to earn a double degree in Graphic Design and Art History. I currently work for the SIU Office of Information Technology creating informational animation. I also work as a graphic designer at an agency and freelance through my own small business, Evil Eye Creative Studio. Thank you for supporting my project!
Good Gods!
Good Gods!
A project in Carbondale, IL by Hailey Winkleman 1 created
TabletopCard GameStrategyMythology

A card-based strategy game inspired by Greek history, mythology, and artwork.

Duration: 2019/09/27 - 2019/10/28 (30 days)

*** Failed ***

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