Hamish Cameron
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2022 2 $14,765 USD 793 $19 USD
Ardens Ludere is the game design imprint of Hamish Cameron. Hamish is an ancient historian and game designer who lives and works in Wellington, New Zealand. He tweets at @peregrinekiwi, @thesprawl_rpg, and @ardensludere. Hamish is a proud member of member of Kēmu Whakatau O Aotearoa | #KiwiRPG.
The David Web: a game of chase movie cinematography
The David Web: a game of chase movie cinematography
A project in Wellington, NZ by Hamish Cameron 2 created

A one-shot trpg about a highly competent and possibly amnesiac action hero and the forces pursuing him.

Duration: 2022/08/17 - 2022/09/01 (14 days)

The Sprawl: Cyberpunk Roleplaying, Powered by the Apocalypse
The Sprawl: Cyberpunk Roleplaying, Powered by the Apocalypse
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Hamish Cameron 2 created

A Powered-by-the-Apocalypse RPG of mission-based action in a gritty neon-and-chrome cyberpunk future.

Duration: 2014/09/02 - 2014/10/03 (30 days)

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