Henry Hadley
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 3 $5,027 USD 23 $219 USD
They often ask me what made me construct this shelving system? Well, it's difficult to explain to people not interested in board games. But if you are the same game fan as I am, you can understand me. This idea came to me in 2018 when I've gained my 137th game. The bookshelf, where I kept all the board games, just broke apart. So I started to look for more convenient and smart way to store all my games. And what I've finally got? Well, I would like you to hear your opinion on my solution.
Modular Board Games Organizer without any tools assemble
Modular Board Games Organizer without any tools assemble
A project in Miami, FL by Henry Hadley 3 created

Modular Shelving System for Board Games and Puzzles fun with extras & glass holders. Adjustable. Aluminum. Custom colors. Shelving.

Duration: 2020/05/11 - 2020/05/28 (16 days)

Modular Board Games Organizer without any tools assemble.
Modular Board Games Organizer without any tools assemble.
A project in Miami, FL by Henry Hadley 3 created

Modular Shelving System for Board Gamers and Puzzles fun with extras & glass holders. Adjustable. Aluminum. Custom colors. Shelving.

Duration: 2020/03/09 - 2020/04/09 (30 days)

*** Failed ***

Modular Board Games Organizer without any tools
Modular Board Games Organizer without any tools
A project in Miami, FL by Henry Hadley 3 created

The Modular Shelving System for Board Gamers and Magnetic Tables with extras & glasses holders. Adjustable. Aluminum. Custom colors.

Duration: 2020/02/26 - 2020/03/28 (30 days)

*** Cancelled ***

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