Herbert Holland
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $0 USD 0 $0 USD
I am 52 years old. I have been in grocery retail management training, a little Walmart retail, the donut retail and manufacturing as assistant VP. I left the donut company because they went out of business due to no retail outlet and I moved to Haleyville Alabama from Birmingham Alabama at the end of 1992. I then was introduced to the electrical industry by a 3rd cousin who was an IBEW Master Electrician. I became very interested in the electrical field, so took my knowledge higher with it. Then I saw interest in the maintenance field where I see my many years in the electrical industry be useful in the maintenance field. My knowledge grew to the point where I was creating mechanisms for machines to make them work better. But while I was doing all of this I created my game and a product that has a provisional patent pending. With that said, just in January 17, 2022 I found my copyright to my stuck away in my brief case. But really we need to bring World Domination the Game to life and distribute it out to the world. So they can enjoy a great family game with a smile!!
World Domination the Game
World Domination the Game
A project in Haleyville, AL by Herbert Holland 1 created

I will be creating our board game; World Domination the Game.

Duration: 2022/01/17 - 2022/03/19 (60 days)

*** Cancelled ***

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