Howard Tayler
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2015 - 2021 3 $507,421 USD 8,301 $61 USD
Howard Tayler created Schlock Mercenary in early 2000. The comic strip ran daily, without fail, for twenty years, until wrapping up in July of 2020. Howard has done a bunch of other stuff, too, but if you really want to see the bona-fides for Kickstarter fulfilment, scroll down and have a look at Sandra Tayler's credits.
XDM: X-treme Dungeon Mastery, 2nd Edition
XDM: X-treme Dungeon Mastery, 2nd Edition
A project in Orem, UT by Howard Tayler 3 created

The Cure for the Common Game

Duration: 2021/08/09 - 2021/09/10 (31 days)

Deluxe RPG "Handbrain" Screen
Deluxe RPG "Handbrain" Screen
A project in Orem, UT by Howard Tayler 3 created

A deluxe Game Chief screen designed for half-sheet paper drop-ins you can make or print for any tabletop RPG.

Duration: 2017/05/14 - 2017/06/02 (18 days)

The Planet Mercenary Role Playing Game
The Planet Mercenary Role Playing Game
A project in Orem, UT by Howard Tayler 3 created

created by Howard Tayler and Alan Bahr, and set in the universe of SCHLOCK MERCENARY

Duration: 2015/04/13 - 2015/05/18 (34 days)

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