Hunters Books
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2023 12 $1,870,358 USD 32,255 $58 USD
Originally Hunters Books, Hunters Entertainment has been in game publishing for 8 years, and has delivered visually stunning award-winning original IP’s in game design, as well as licenses. Responsible for Outbreak: Undead, Kids On Bikes, Chronicles of Exandria, and ABC's of RPGs
Outbreak: Undead - 2nd Edition Starter Kit
Outbreak: Undead - 2nd Edition Starter Kit
A project in by Hunters Books 12 created

Test your Zombie Survival Plan with the Starter Kit for Outbreak: Undead’s highly anticipated 2nd Edition.

End Date: 2015/06/11

Outbreak: Deep Space - A "Sci-Fi Survival Horror RPG"
Outbreak: Deep Space - A "Sci-Fi Survival Horror RPG"
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Hunters Books 12 created

Take control of your own survival and push the boundaries of terror to the edge of the Universe! From the Makers of "Outbreak: Undead".

Duration: 2014/05/02 - 2014/06/01 (29 days)

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