Ian Stuart Sharpe
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $33,039 USD 625 $53 USD
Ian Stuart Sharpe likes to imagine he is descended from Guðrum, King of the East Angles, although DNA tests and a deep disdain for camping suggest otherwise. He is the author of novels and comics set in alternate Vikingverse, the All Father Paradox, Loki’s Wager and the Jötunn War. He once won a prize at school for Outstanding Progress and chose a dictionary as his reward, secretly wishing it had been an Old Norse phrasebook. It took him thirty years, but he recently achieved his goal and published Old Norse for Modern Times.
When the Wolf Comes RPG
When the Wolf Comes RPG
A project in Victoria, Canada by Ian Stuart Sharpe 1 created

An RPG set in the Doom of Ragnarök, utilizing Robert J. Schwalb's Shadow of the Demon Lord rules and based in Ian Sharpe's Vikingverse.

Duration: 2022/07/11 - 2022/08/11 (30 days)

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