Ike Brunicardi
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $252,430 USD 2,580 $98 USD
I am an Officer in the U.S. Army and design board games for fun. I created Bantam Planet LLC with a plan to produce a long line of high-quality games that make people happy. Our games will be more than just cardboard on your table. They will be small worlds that are brought to life by you, the players! That is why our motto is "Bantam Planet... wish you were here!"
Bantam West 🤠
Bantam West 🤠
A project in Southern Pines, NC by Ike Brunicardi 1 created
TabletopAdventureRPGAmerican WestFightingDiceMiniaturesExplorationHand ManagementVariable PowersWorker Placement

An immersive sim adventure board game for 2-4 players set in the wild frontier.

Duration: 2021/07/12 - 2021/08/12 (30 days)

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