IndianWolf Studios LLC
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2018 1 $19,661 USD 338 $58 USD
What is IndianWolf Studios LLC? IndianWolf Studios LLC is a one-man operation I created to focus on my interests in game design and development. Who are you? Jason Johnson. I am an experienced freelance professional, a video & board game enthusiast, and the owner of IndianWolf Studios LLC. What experience do you have? I have been working as an Independent Software Design, Development, and QA Professional for nearly a decade. What is your Quest? To make awesome games! ^_^ Why do you love games? Games appeal to our senses. They provide a rich environment of art, music, and psychology. They offer us a world to experience and rules for interacting with that world. The delicate balance of these components creates the user experience and a product that is far greater than the sum of its parts.
Sensu Hanafuda & Poker Playing Cards and Hanafuda Rulebook
Sensu Hanafuda & Poker Playing Cards and Hanafuda Rulebook
A project in Pittsburgh, PA by IndianWolf Studios LLC 1 created
TabletopCard Game

✿Play hanafuda with our newest series of hanafuda and fusion playing card decks and in-depth, 236-page, 37-game rulebook!

Duration: 2018/08/01 - 2018/08/31 (29 days)

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