Iron Golems
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2016 - 2018 3 $115,095 USD 849 $136 USD
Iron Golems - Fantasy Football Halfling Team
Iron Golems - Fantasy Football Halfling Team
A project in Valencia, Spain by Iron Golems 3 created

We're proud to introduce the Buzzed Bumblebees! A project to create a high quality Fantasy Football halfling team in 32mm scale.

Duration: 2018/05/14 - 2018/06/05 (21 days)

Iron Golems - Fantasy Football Wood Elf Team
Iron Golems - Fantasy Football Wood Elf Team
A project in Valencia, Spain by Iron Golems 3 created

We're proud to introduce the Wildthorn Acrobats! A project to create a high quality Fantasy Football wood elf team in 32mm scale.

Duration: 2017/06/12 - 2017/07/04 (21 days)

Fantasy Football Pro Box
Fantasy Football Pro Box
A project in Valencia, Spain by Iron Golems 3 created

Two teams, a pitch, and all you need to play Fantasy Football games in a spectacular and functional case!

Duration: 2016/04/11 - 2016/05/05 (23 days)

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