James Gray
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2020 3 $10,737 USD 324 $33 USD
I have an MA in philosophy from San Jose State University, and I have made quite a few games within the last six years or so. I like to spend time with friends and family. I also enjoy playing Magic: the Gathering and tend to go to at least one tournament every week. Crazier Eights is my first Kickstarter project (from 2014). I want to get into the game industry and I think I have something amazing to share with people. More versions of the game are already in development. I made a game similar to Crazier Eights around 2003, and I have been making quite a few other card games as a hobby over the last several years. I am now ready to share my interest in game design with the world.
Crazier Eights: Olympus (Fantasy Card Game)
Crazier Eights: Olympus (Fantasy Card Game)
A project in San Jose, CA by James Gray 3 created
TabletopCard GameAncientFantasyTake That

A gateway fantasy card game featuring Greek mythology.

Duration: 2020/02/20 - 2020/03/20 (28 days)

Crazier Eights: One Thousand & One Nights
Crazier Eights: One Thousand & One Nights
A project in San Jose, CA by James Gray 3 created
TabletopCard GameFantasy

A gateway fantasy card game.

Duration: 2018/08/17 - 2018/09/14 (27 days)

Crazier Eights: A Fantasy Card Game
Crazier Eights: A Fantasy Card Game
A project in San Jose, CA by James Gray 3 created
TabletopCard GameFantasyCards

Finally, a card game that's easy to learn for everyone, and good enough for gamers.

Duration: 2014/06/04 - 2014/07/05 (30 days)

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