Jamie Kirkpatrick
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 3 $0 USD 0 $0 USD
I love making and playing war games. Its a passion for me not just a hobby. I have designed the ww2 solitaire war game Scream aim fire. This is my 2nd design of a war game.
DARK SKIES the fight for air supremacy
DARK SKIES the fight for air supremacy
A project in Selsey, UK by Jamie Kirkpatrick 3 created

DARK SKIES the fight for air supremacy

Duration: 2020/04/01 - 2020/05/02 (30 days)

*** Failed ***

ABOVE THE CLOUDS ww2 air combat
ABOVE THE CLOUDS ww2 air combat
A project in Selsey, UK by Jamie Kirkpatrick 3 created
TabletopCard Game

ABOVE THE CLOUDS ww2 air combat, a solitaire game

Duration: 2020/03/30 - 2020/04/10 (10 days)

*** Cancelled ***

ABOVE THE CLOUDS ww2 air combat
ABOVE THE CLOUDS ww2 air combat
A project in Selsey, UK by Jamie Kirkpatrick 3 created

A solitaire air combat ww2 game set in 1940

Duration: 2020/03/27 - 2020/04/07 (10 days)

*** Cancelled ***

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