Javi Cepa
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $77,317 USD 1,551 $50 USD
I made #Reventure and many other sick games. Also #CardCreator and other tabletop design tools. I eat all kinds of technology, games and art for breakfast every day.
Reventure: Orbtale
Reventure: Orbtale
A project in Malaga, Spain by Javi Cepa 1 created
TabletopAdventureCard GamePartyFantasyFightingVideo Game ThemeCardsHand ManagementVariable Powers

Surreal humor, beautiful art and 30 minute adventures, conveniently packed into a Reventure tabletop game.

Duration: 2021/04/28 - 2021/05/24 (25 days)

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