Jay Banna
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $12,615 USD 247 $51 USD
Grinly Games brings you "Savage: A Game of Survival." At Grinly, our ambition is to bring board game enthusiasts together in games that are top-quality, entertaining, and rule-breaking. We take pride in our first product, "Savage: A Game of Survival" because we can ensure that this product will be an experience you and your friends will want to relive.
Savage: A Game of Survival
Savage: A Game of Survival
A project in Mesa, AZ by Jay Banna 1 created

While managing resources, you and other strangers joined forces to survive the apocalypse! Can you survive long enough to be rescued?

Duration: 2022/07/23 - 2022/08/22 (29 days)

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