Jay Iles
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2019 3 $121,946 USD 2,269 $54 USD
Hello! I'm a tabletop game designer dedicated to creating games that are innovative, weird and welcoming. I'm the founder of UFO Press, a small indie publisher based in Oxford.
Voidheart Symphony
Voidheart Symphony
A project in Oxford, UK by Jay Iles 3 created

A tabletop roleplaying game of psychic rebellion in the shadows of the city, powered by the apocalypse.

Duration: 2019/10/15 - 2019/11/15 (30 days)

Mysthea: Legends From the Borderlands
Mysthea: Legends From the Borderlands
A project in Oxford, UK by Jay Iles 3 created

Rebuild a war-torn city and win fame for your guild in this geomantic fantasy tabletop RPG.

Duration: 2019/03/11 - 2019/04/11 (30 days)

Legacy: Life Among the Ruins - The Next World
Legacy: Life Among the Ruins - The Next World
A project in Oxford, UK by Jay Iles 3 created

Books bringing hope, despair and liberation to Legacy: Life Among the Ruins.

Duration: 2018/08/13 - 2018/09/13 (30 days)

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