Je'Don Carter
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $24,808 USD 302 $82 USD
Co-Founder and lead Gameplay engineer for Legends Untold. This project is a dream come true for me. I have been an active tabletop role playing game player and always wanted to feel more immersed in the world, now I can be.
Legends Untold: Tabletop Roleplaying Reimagined in VR/PC
Legends Untold: Tabletop Roleplaying Reimagined in VR/PC
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Je'Don Carter 1 created

Larping and classic tabletop games take on new life in this PC/VR experience

Duration: 2021/07/06 - 2021/08/06 (30 days)

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