Jennifer Summers
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 2 $0 USD 0 $0 USD
Wife and Mother of 25 years. Worked search and rescue for the police dept before kids and has been a stay at home mom for the last 15 years. She has always had a passion for writing, she started thinking about her first book at 15 and helped her mom write children's stories. Now that her children are almost all grown, she has written a few books and after experiencing Dungeons and Dragons for the first time, and falling in love with the art of the story, she has decided it was time to take her story telling to the next level.
Dungeons and Dragons Mystery Crate
Dungeons and Dragons Mystery Crate
A project in New Orleans, LA by Jennifer Summers 2 created

A Dungeons and Dragons game with a mysterious twist. All new storylines and a whole new world to explore.

Duration: 2019/05/23 - 2019/07/01 (38 days)

*** Failed ***

Dungeons and Dragons Mystery Box
Dungeons and Dragons Mystery Box
A project in Baton Rouge, LA by Jennifer Summers 2 created

D&D 5e mystery box

Duration: 2019/04/04 - 2019/05/20 (45 days)

*** Failed ***

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