Joel Archer and Murray Fea
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $3,608 USD 72 $50 USD
Joel Archer is an artist, writer, gamer, teacher, part-time philosopher, full time nerd. Co-Author of Ennervain. Murray Fea is a doctor of biology, an environmentalist, conservationalist humanitarian, gamer, writier, artist, full time nerd. Co-Author of Ennervain.
A project in Auckland, NZ by Joel Archer and Murray Fea 1 created

A campaign for Pathfinder D20 game system, set in a rich world full of nefarious plots, heroic opportunities and dark fantasy adventure

Duration: 2019/11/25 - 2019/12/20 (24 days)

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