John Popson
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2015 - 2022 10 $191,196 USD 2,563 $75 USD
I am John, Co-owner of Effincool Miniatures, along with Ed Cortez. I am a lifelong miniature and RPG nut who decided to get into the miniature production end of the game a while ago. Effincool was born in a garage with a homemade casting machine. Before Ed was a part of this crazy circus, he suggested that I build a metal caster out of a washing machine, which is what I did. We have since upgraded our production facility to include traditional metal and resin casting. In addition, we are very excited about the recent acquisition of plastic injection molding tooling to our facility—the facility which ironically I converted from huge vacant laundromat! If you read all of this, please let me know that I did not wste my time writing it. :-)
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