John Redman
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2012 - 2013 3 $57,049 USD 873 $65 USD
Cthulhu s Chaos - Unique Dice Towers
Cthulhu's Chaos - Unique Dice Towers
A project in Santee, CA by John Redman 3 created

Unique Dice Towers adds individuality and fun to your game. Cthulhu adds chaos and insanity. Complete Cthulhu adds shock and awe!

Duration: 2013/08/12 - 2013/10/12 (60 days)

Summon the Dragons! Another Unique Dice Tower
Summon the Dragons! Another Unique Dice Tower
A project in Santee, CA by John Redman 3 created

Laser cut, hand assembled dragon and Weird War II themed dice towers for board and dice games.

Duration: 2013/04/14 - 2013/05/15 (30 days)

Unique Dice Towers Launches!
Unique Dice Towers Launches!
A project in Santee, CA by John Redman 3 created

Bring your A-Game and express your individuality when you roll your dice with your unique dice tower.

Duration: 2012/04/04 - 2012/05/20 (45 days)

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