Joseph Liano
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2019 2 $22,529 USD 504 $45 USD
Draw cards, build missiles, and defeat your furry friends! The last player standing wins.
Pet Evil - The Explosive Card Game
Pet Evil - The Explosive Card Game
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Joseph Liano 2 created
TabletopCard GamePartyAnimalsPlayer EliminationSet CollectionTake That

Draw cards, build missiles and defeat your frenemies. The last player standing wins!

Duration: 2019/10/22 - 2019/11/22 (30 days)

A project in Hampshire, UK by Joseph Liano 2 created
TabletopCard GamePartyAnimals

Draw cards, build missiles and defeat your frenemies. A card game for pawfect people!

Duration: 2018/10/22 - 2018/11/18 (26 days)

*** Cancelled ***

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