Josh & Adam Carlson
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2012 - 2021 12 $5,175,352 USD 37,990 $136 USD
We're the engine of Chip Theory Games. We started this company in 2012 with a vision to make the kind of games we wanted to play. We value strategic depth, versatile game modes, replayability, clever mechanics, engaging story, and upping the ante on production value with the very best components in the business. We've now grown to a team of 18 of us...because of you, plain and simple.
Hoplomachus: Rise of Rome
Hoplomachus: Rise of Rome
A project in Plymouth, MN by Josh & Adam Carlson 12 created
TabletopFightingDiceCo-opHand ManagementSolo

Rise of Rome is a tactical hex & chip game that builds on its predecessor with new units and 2 new cities! Stand-alone: 1-2 plyrs.

Duration: 2013/02/14 - 2013/03/24 (37 days)

Hoplomachus - The Lost Cities
Hoplomachus - The Lost Cities
A project in by Josh & Adam Carlson 12 created
TabletopFightingDiceHand ManagementSolo

Hoplomachus is a hex and chip board game set in a gladiatorial arena. Use unique units & tactics to overwhelm your opponents.

End Date: 2012/07/10

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