Josselin Loizeau
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2022 - 2022 1 $5,903 USD 1,169 $5 USD
My name is Josselin LOIZEAU and I'm a video game programmer that lives in Niigata, Japan with his wife and son. As a board game designer, I've been making games as a hobby for almost 20 years. I have created a huge number of board games of all genres, my absolute favorites are those that require Cornelian dilemma.
Deathly Thrones
Deathly Thrones
A project in Shibata, Japan by Josselin Loizeau 1 created

A solo print & play roguelike game. Played with a standard deck of 52 playing cards and a Quest booklet.

Duration: 2022/05/31 - 2022/06/30 (29 days)

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