Kanav Mittal
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2019 1 $1,317 USD 51 $26 USD
We are a brother and sister team who have developed the card game CalSpino with our parents' supervision. Kanav is a rising junior in high school and loves all things math, including math competitions or just really cool math proofs. Kaashvi is a rising sixth grader who is the creative mastermind behind the game and loves art.
Calspino: When Math Becomes a Game
Calspino: When Math Becomes a Game
A project in Sunnyvale, CA by Kanav Mittal 1 created

Math, Mice, and Dice! An exhilarating card game that incorporates basic math concepts into the fun of playing cards.

Duration: 2019/07/18 - 2019/09/02 (45 days)

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