Kutu Oyunu Falan
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2023 - 2023 2 $4,934 USD 1,292 $4 USD
Pioneers on Mars: a Roll and Write Dice Battle
Pioneers on Mars: a Roll and Write Dice Battle
A project in Berlin, Germany by Kutu Oyunu Falan 2 created
TabletopPNPRoll and Write

Carve your legacy on Mars in this riveting, shared-sheet roll & write duel!

Duration: 2023/08/31 - 2023/09/18 (17 days)

Chiefdom: a Worker Placement Roll & Write Game
Chiefdom: a Worker Placement Roll & Write Game
A project in Berlin, Germany by Kutu Oyunu Falan 2 created
TabletopPartyRoll and Write

A single sheet, 3 dice, much fun

Duration: 2023/05/13 - 2023/05/31 (17 days)

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