Kyle Chandler
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $1,098 USD 5 $220 USD
I've always been drawn to comics Manga. I've drawn and made what I was art since I was a kid. Some things die off, when you focus on other goals. I've been given a chance to go through old memories and I'm going to try to finish a project before I leave this place
Margin Call: Group Effort
Margin Call: Group Effort
A project in South Florida, FL by Kyle Chandler 1 created

A game that is both cutthroat and a group effort. A game about taking risks, and being distracted in life. 1v1 or up to 8 players.

Duration: 2021/06/07 - 2021/08/07 (60 days)

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