Kyle Cheney
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2020 2 $4,491 USD 195 $23 USD
I am a father, and husband, and game maker from Boise ID. I have been writing for most of my life on several projects and working on The Titans Trail exclusively since 2017. I am currently only able to work part time on game design. But it is my goal and active quest to make it my full time adventure.
The Titans Trail: A Mech vs Kaiju 5e Expansion Module
The Titans Trail: A Mech vs Kaiju 5e Expansion Module
A project in Boise, ID by Kyle Cheney 2 created

An extensive 5e expansion, adding Mech vs Kaiju combat in a Victorian Science Fantasy and open world campaign with full artwork.

Duration: 2020/05/25 - 2020/06/25 (30 days)

The Titans Trail
The Titans Trail
A project in Boise, ID by Kyle Cheney 2 created

A unique tabletop RPG set in a fantasy world of Mechs, Kaiju, and political intrigue. FireFly+Downton Abbey+Pacific Rim=TheTitans Trail

Duration: 2019/08/04 - 2019/09/04 (30 days)

*** Failed ***

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