Lawrence Whitaker
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2020 - 2020 1 $19,152 USD 485 $39 USD
Veteran game designer and author, Lawrence has produced more than 50 roleplaying game books and scenarios, working extensively with Chaosium, Mongoose Publishing, and his own company The Design Mechanism, co-founded with Pete Nash. A lifelong fan of M. R. James, he jumped at the chance to publish Casting the Runes, and is bringing his industry experience and expertise to ensure the game receives the love and car it deserves.
Casting the Runes
Casting the Runes
A project in Toronto, Canada by Lawrence Whitaker 1 created

A roleplaying game, based on the GUMSHOE engine, for supernatural investigations in the worlds of M.R James.

Duration: 2020/01/03 - 2020/02/03 (30 days)

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