Lightfish Games
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2021 1 $96,428 USD 1,421 $68 USD
Lightfish Games is a young creative group of game designers based in Venice, Italy. We create tabletop role-playing games, boardgame, gamebooks and more.
Farsight - 5E Evolved Explorative Sci-Fi RPG
Farsight - 5E Evolved Explorative Sci-Fi RPG
A project in Mira, Italy by Lightfish Games 1 created

A science fiction roleplaying game on exploration and conflict, based on 5E Evolved, a Sci-Fi ruleset developed starting from 5E!

Duration: 2021/02/13 - 2021/03/16 (30 days)

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