Meara Danielle McIntosh
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2018 - 2019 2 $1,888 USD 33 $57 USD
First and foremost I am a mother. Secondly, I love nature, conservation, our planet, and dinosaurs. I have been fascinated with natural history as long as I can remember. I started building dinosaur skeletons for museum gallery exhibits when I was 19. I took over my employer's company when I was 26. I have since contracted out my big dinosaurs and have been tinkering with developing new products to bring the dinosaurs to market for the average person, not just the big museums. I believe inspiration in childhood is where life-long passions are developed.
Dino-Digz: An educational dinosaur excavation board game
Dino-Digz: An educational dinosaur excavation board game
A project in Edmonton, Canada by Meara Danielle McIntosh 2 created

An educational dinosaur excavation game

Duration: 2019/06/06 - 2019/07/01 (24 days)

Roars and Rattles An educational dinosaur board game
Roars and Rattles An educational dinosaur board game
A project in Edmonton, Canada by Meara Danielle McIntosh 2 created

An educational dinosaur board game for kids with reproduction palaeontology related fossils

Duration: 2018/10/18 - 2018/11/18 (30 days)

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