Meteor Crystal
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2021 - 2022 2 $49,995 USD 660 $76 USD
I and Dina are professional designers and die-hard gamers. We became friends for our common hobbies and goals, but we don’t dream of something too big, we just want to bring some changes to the collections of gamers.
Meteor 2 Ultra Transparent Dice
Meteor 2 Ultra Transparent Dice
A project in New York, NY by Meteor Crystal 2 created

Here comes the ultra transparent dice set with sharp edges, a debunker of tradition!

Duration: 2022/04/06 - 2022/05/12 (35 days)

Meteor crystal RPG game dice/resin dice !
Meteor crystal RPG game dice/resin dice !
A project in New York, NY by Meteor Crystal 2 created

A distinct crystal shape with sharp horns—a rare dice set for board games

Duration: 2021/09/27 - 2021/11/02 (35 days)

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