Michael Dayan
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2020 2 $4,045 USD 107 $38 USD
The supporter of artists behind "The Mines" project
The Mines: Flames of War (STL files of printable miniatures)
The Mines: Flames of War (STL files of printable miniatures)
A project in Paris, France by Michael Dayan 2 created

Part 2 of "The Mines" series brings new STL miniatures for 3d printing. Trolls, goblins, dwarves and many more. Into the Mines!

Duration: 2020/09/23 - 2020/10/21 (27 days)

*** Cancelled ***

The Mines: Drums in the deep (STL files for miniatures)
The Mines: Drums in the deep (STL files for miniatures)
A project in Paris, France by Michael Dayan 2 created

STL files for 3d printing dwarven warriors, boar riders, chariots, ballista and architecture

Duration: 2019/12/03 - 2019/12/29 (25 days)

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