Michael Friesen
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2014 - 2016 3 $90,953 USD 1,536 $59 USD
Whelps to Wyrms
Whelps to Wyrms
A project in Saskatoon, Canada by Michael Friesen 3 created
TabletopFantasyMedievalDiceExplorationVariable Powers

A dragon-themed tile exploration game that bites back! Grow your dragon, learn unique skills, and hoard the most gold to be victorious!

Duration: 2016/06/23 - 2016/07/18 (24 days)

Nautilus Industries
Nautilus Industries
A project in Saskatoon, Canada by Michael Friesen 3 created

Nemo is gone, but his machines have opened a whole new world to us! Become the master of Nautilus Industries!

Duration: 2014/08/07 - 2014/09/05 (28 days)

Space Junk- Relaunch!
Space Junk- Relaunch!
A project in by Michael Friesen 3 created
TabletopRacingSci-fiDiceRacingTake That

Use all manner of Space Junk to Build, Laugh and Smash your way to victory in this fun easy to learn game!

End Date: 2014/01/27

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