Turn exercising into a fun fitness competition using high intensity interval training. Build muscle and reduce fat the fun way! Gettyup
Duration: 2015/02/08 - 2015/03/11 (30 days)
5,871 USD of 5,500 USD Goal | 93 Backers | 63 USD Avg.Pledge |
With 462 unique workout combinations, Quick Sweat Dice is a fun, effective and portable way to exercise, with no equipment needed!
End Date: 2013/11/26
2,149 USD of 2,000 USD Goal | 79 Backers | 27 USD Avg.Pledge |
It's the gamification of fitness! 114 high-tech exercise cards that makes fitness FUN. Play tons of unique solo & multiplayer games!
End Date: 2013/10/17
11,867 USD of 5,500 USD Goal | 304 Backers | 39 USD Avg.Pledge |