Midnight Tower
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2019 - 2024 10 $708,694 USD 20,097 $35 USD
Midnight Tower consists of two nerds in Oxford who create D&D 5e adventures: Tove and Erik, huge lovers of roleplaying games and books. :) Tove When Tove isn’t DMing, she plays a level 2 bard called Nell Desmodena-Murkborne. Nell grew up as a dilly-dallying love child with few responsibilities at court in Hammersong. However, she has also spent her long summers in Feywild together with her (hag) grandmother, who have had a somewhat compromising effect on her. Erik plays a level 9 war cleric called November Netherwood. When waking up after a temple collapsed on November’s head, a voice in her mind guided her deep into the temple’s catacombs. There she found the source of the whispers: a black, fist-sized smoking stone. November now worships the stone, or rather the entity that speaks through it. Because it must be benevolent...right?
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