Nate Dallas
ActivityProjectsRevenuePledgesAvg. PledgeLinks
2013 - 2016 2 $5,379 USD 123 $44 USD
Soldier Ball - A game by Isaac
Soldier Ball - A game by Isaac
A project in Albany, GA by Nate Dallas 2 created

Soldier ball is a tabletop game that can be learned in 60 seconds and enjoyed for hours. Children love it.

Duration: 2016/02/24 - 2016/03/26 (30 days)

CORKED - A game for FUN folks who love to share life..& wine
CORKED - A game for FUN folks who love to share life..& wine
A project in Albany, GA by Nate Dallas 2 created

A party game for a group of fun people. Everyone plays every turn & no one ever performs alone... & there's a bag to carry your bottle.

Duration: 2013/07/26 - 2013/08/26 (30 days)

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